The A Team

Nachiket Pande

Nachiket Pande (Creator/Founder)

Nachiket is currently finishing his engineering degree from VIT, Vellore. An army kid, he has lived in all parts of the country. An avid photographer, guitarist, singer and squash player, he started VoIS in October 2015. He was part of the organizing committee of the OROP protest, being a major part of their social media team (he was in charge of their YouTube portal for sometime). A politically aware citizen, he participated in the "India against corruption" movement headed by Anna Hazare at Jantar Mantar. 
He feels that the stories of Veterans deserves to be told to the entire world, to make every citizen aware of their sacrifices. These Veterans are the Real Heroes of our country and a role model for every child.
He hopes to inspire people to become aware of their society and hopes that they channel this inspiration for the development of the country.


Madhurima Khadilkar (Manager, Social Media)

Madhurima is currently puruing her undergrad degree from FLAME University, Pune, She is an astounding poetess and has a flair for language and creativity. She manages instagram and other social media platforms for VoIS.